Systemic Organisational Development

Developing potential, Goal definition, Resilience training, Team development
Systemic Organisational Development

New markets, new requirements and the necessity of continuously developing new strategies are the challenges which companies face today. Creating a positive company culture, acknowledging the potential of your employees as well as developing a clear strategy and defining clear goals are as important as the company’s turnover as factors of success.


Let yourself, your organisation or team be meaningfully and purposefully supported in change processes, for example in the areas of:    

  • Developing potential
  • Systemic leadership
  • Team development
  • Goal definition
  • Resilience training

pause – reflect – act!

Systemic Constellations

Systemic constellations offer the possibility to quickly gain important information on an issue or challenge, revealing the underlying dynamics and patterns that both limit and strengthen leaders, teams and whole organisations. I successfully use this extremely powerful method, when consulting and coaching people, organisations and teams. The method has been researched and proven and now is used in countries all over the world.


What are constellations?

Systemic leadership, Team development, personnel decisions
Systemic Constellations

During a constellation elements of the system are placed in a room, enabling a visualisation of resources, hurdles or simply the relationship of the elements to one another. These elements can be, for example, people, products or goals and can be represented by people or different items.The implicit knowledge gained from a constellation, supports you, with new ideas or possible solutions, for your next steps. Constellations can also be carried out without naming the individual elements, should your issue be confidential or of a sensitive nature. Only you need know what the issue is about! The use of systemic constellations can lead to surprising solutions, when classic consultancy and coaching methods have met their boundaries. Additionally, various phases of the consulting and coaching process can be achieved in a faster and more effective way. 


This innovative method allows you to reach sustainable solutions for complex questions or situations, for example, personal reorientation, conflicts, team development, vision and strategy development, personnel decisions, marketing options and many more. Possible questions for a constellation:

  • How is our organisation positioned for the future?
  • What is holding us back from being successful?
  • What is our mission?
  • How do our customers see us?
  • Where do we stand in the market?
  • How do we ensure a successful succession?
  • Self-employed or employed?
  • And many more …

Systemic constellations allow you to see your actual system from a distance, to gain new insight, allowing implicit wisdom to be seen. Reduce complexity, understand underlying dynamics, make decisions. Would you like to find solutions using a constellation with representatives? Dates » 


Reduce complexity, understand underlying dynamics, make decisions.


System coaching, Change management, the next step

In coaching processes I accompany people in phases of re-orientation, for example professional change processes. I support managers and employees to see their goals, roles and responsibilities in the organisation more clearly and therefore become able to take the next step towards a sustainable and successful future.


I would like to support you on your way to find your next step, personally or within your company or organisation, from where you are today, to where you want to be. Together, using an extensive range of methods, according to your specific situation, with respect and appreciation of what you have achieved so far, we discover new possibilities.You come with your personal challenge and leave with your own solution. Possible areas for individual coaching:

  • Decision making processes  experienced and visualised
  • Personal development – the next step…..
  • Changes in your professional life
  • Finding your place and role, managers, project leaders and employees
  • System coaching for teams and project groups
  • Change management coaching for leaders in new roles and positions

After an initial complementary consultation, you can decide whether you would like to take advantage of my offer. 

Give me a call! +49 177 316 4780


Together we can overcome your challenges!   

Three session Coaching Pckage

A Three Session Program.

Each session lasting for 1,5 hours, including a combination of discussion, mapping and constellations, as appropriate.

Together we will define exactly what would be most useful for you to work on to best support you to reach you goals and true purpose.

A Six Session Program.

Each session lasting for 1,5 hours, including a combination of discussion, mapping and constellations, as appropriate.Together we will define exactly what would be most useful for you to work on to best support you to reach you goals and true purpose.


Online Constellation

Including a pre-meeting consultation, constellation and follow-up meeting:

360,00 €